Dota 2 vs League of Legends: Key Differences

Posted: 13 Apr

In the realm of MOBAs, League of Legends and Dota 2 have emerged as titans, both attracting millions of monthly gamers.

However, for new players, it can be difficult to choose between these two gaming juggernauts who are very similar, especially since League of Legends is directly inspired by Dota.

However, there are some crucial differences that set these games apart, each offering a unique gaming experience.

10 Differences Between LoL and Dota 2 in 2024

Graphics and art style

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One of the main differences a potential newcomer would spot upon testing these games is the major difference between graphics and art styles.

Dota has much more realistic visual patterns compared to League which is most noticeable in character design.

League of Legends champions have expressive and whimsical visual features, while Dota’s heroes are grounded and realistic.

Other in-game elements further highlight the visual differences between the two games.

League’s map and graphics are generally bright, vibrant, and colorful, as opposed to Dota’s graphics which are darker, mystical, and rugged.

Furthermore, when it comes to visual effects, Dota’s in-game effects are somewhat subdued and realistic, prioritizing clarity in team fights.

On the other hand, League’s visual effects are vivid and exaggerated, with flashy animations that contribute to the fast-paced gameplay.


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Even though both League and Dota have a jungle on the map, its impact and player approach is different when comparing these games.

In League of Legends, every team has a dedicated jungler who spends most of his time killing the jungle monsters and securing major objectives.

Apart from being in the jungle, the junglers are also responsible for ganking lanes and helping the rest of their teammates.

Dota 2 takes a different approach in which full-time junglers are a rare occurrence, as the entire team kills jungle creeps rather than a single hero.

Since most XP and gold are gained from laning, jungling in Dota is fairly redundant which is why teams don’t have dedicated junglers but rather use jungle creeps.

Game difficulty

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Intending to keep the current player base satisfied with how the game operates, Dota refuses to simplify certain mechanics, keeping some complex concepts in the game to this date.

Some of the most difficult and frustrating mechanics for a beginner to master include denying, item recipes, and Couriers.

Because of these and other complex concepts that require dozens of hours of getting used to, League of Legends is much more approachable to a complete beginner than Dota.

In 2024, Dota 2 is arguably difficult enough to be unplayable for a complete beginner, unless you have a friend to help you on this journey.

Fully mastering Dota is also more difficult in comparison to League, because of the sheer strategic depth of the game and overall high skill ceiling.

Shopping system

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The shopping system is completely different when it comes to these two games, with Dota’s item system being much more complex and nuanced than League’s.

In League of Legends, all you have to do in order to purchase an item of your choice is to be recalled in base and have enough gold.

Even though item components exist, they aren’t necessary for item crafting as you can purchase the full item instantly if you own enough gold.

On the other hand, in Dota, there are several shops scattered around the map, including the secret Shop and side shop, both of which offer unique and powerful items.

Furthermore, items in Dota2 require components and recipes to be combined to create more powerful items.

Luckily, buying items in Dota doesn’t require you to walk across the map constantly, as you can use Couriers to have them delivered.

Couriers are NPCs that players can use to deliver items to themselves or teammates on the map, adding another layer of complexity and nuance to Dota’s gameplay.

Champion/Hero mastery

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Even though Dota is generally considered to be more difficult to learn than League of Legends, champions in League are more challenging to master to the fullest.

Certain League of Legends champions such as Riven and Zed boast micro-mechanical skills which are extremely difficult to execute, especially against human opponents.

Furthermore, League is generally more oriented towards high-skill mechanical outplays because of its fast-paced gameplay.

As a result, action-packed gameplay requires precise execution of abilities and positioning which contributes to the overall skill ceiling of champion mastery.


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At first glance, the maps of Dota 2 and League seem fairly similar, both featuring three main lanes, a jungle area, as well as a base for each team.

However, there are several key differences when it comes to map design, the first one being symmetry.

The Dota 2 map is symmetrical, including two completely mirrored sides for the Radiant and Dire teams.

On the contrary, League’s map is asymmetrical which is most noticeable when comparing lane length as well as the positioning of neutral objectives on the map.

Furthermore, Dota’s map has a few layout intricacies such as high ground and low ground terrain that impact champion vision and accuracy.


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One of the main differences between these two MOBA giants is the game’s communities, with League’s community being notorious for its toxicity and unfriendliness.

This infamous reputation has been following League of Legends for years, mostly because of the game’s intense competitiveness and unforgiving MMR system.

In Dota, if you’re underperforming, you will be called a noob or scrub, whereas League players will go out of their way to personally insult your family members if you lose first blood to your lane opponent.

This makes League very unappealing for players who are looking for a relaxed gaming experience as it’s difficult to enjoy the game where the chat is often full of toxic slurs.

Game length

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The average length of games is also much different when comparing these two games, with Dota’s average length being much larger than League’s.

This is because LoL features snowballing mechanics that allow teams to gain a significant early game advantage if they’re in the lead.

As a result, League of Legends games last between 25 and 35 minutes on average, with some games lasting as short as 15 minutes if they’re extremely one-sided.

On the flip side, Dota’s average game length is around 40 minutes long and it’s not uncommon for a game to last over an hour if the two teams are evenly matched.

Day/night cycle

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When it comes to the map’s appearance, Summoner’s Rift does not alter its visuals at any point of the game, except for a brief period when Baron Nashor spawns.

Dota’s map works differently as it adopts a day/night cycle, which affects vision and other gameplay mechanics. Every 4 minutes, the game time changes from day to night and vice versa which keeps the gameplay fresh and engaging

It’s also worth mentioning that certain heroes, items, and spells operate differently and receive buffs based on the current day/night cycle.

Voice chat

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Dota 2, unlike League of Legends, allows you to voice chat with your teammates which massively contributes to the increase of team cohesion and communication during matches.

Voice comms allow you to convey your thoughts without the limitation of text-based communication, which elevates strategically oriented gameplay.

It also fosters a greater sense of teamwork and synergy, allowing you to build stronger relationships with teammates during the game.

Even though Riot has expressed the desire to introduce voice chat to League of Legends, this idea never came to fruition, mainly because of toxicity concerns.

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