How to rank up fast valorant

Posted: 08 Jan

If you’re eyeing a quick climb up the ranks in Valorant, you’re going to face plenty of challenges ranging from tilt to unskilled teammates who are holding you down.

A journey to the highest ranks of the ladder requires a lot of commitment and self-improvement, but it also requires you to play smart and surround yourself with players who will help you elevate.

Even though the path to Radiant is a tough task, there are certain methods that high elo players use to help them perform well and climb with ease. 

Narrow down your agent selection

One of the most common mistakes beginners and low elo players make when playing ranked is playing too many agents and switching picks every single game.

Even though it’s exciting to try different agents with unique abilities and ultimates, focusing on a limited number of agents allows you to master them and become very proficient with their abilities and playstyle.

By focusing on playing 2-3 agents, you’re going to start performing consistently well at a high level. You start to understand and master the nuances of their abilities and how you can interact with different maps.

Additionally, you should aim to maintain some diversity among your agent picks which means playing different agent class types. Having a mix of agent class types adds to the versatility of your team and ensures you’re able to adapt to different team comps.

Warmup routine

Much like any other athlete, high-level Valorant players always have a strict warm-up routine that they complete before they queue up for ranked. Low elo players tend to dismiss this in favor of queueing up swiftly, but warming up before you play ranked is a great method that allows you to rank up faster.

When it comes to a perfect warm-up routine, there is no right answer. The main goal for you is to feel comfortable and used to the game before playing ranked and the routine you choose depends on your preference.

However, there are some general tips and tricks when it comes to warming up in Valorant. You should warm up and practice your aim with a wide variety of weapons since that prepares you well for a game in which you swap between several guns.

Apart from aiming and playing around with guns in target practice, you shouldn’t hesitate to play a few warm-up matches in fun game modes that test your movement, weapon proficiency, and aim such as Deathmatch or Escalation.

Purchase a great teammate

If you can’t get good teammates by chance, you can always buy a good teammate!

Purchasing a Valorant duo boost is without a doubt the fastest way to increase your rank in Valorant. If you’re unfamiliar with the practice, Valorant duo boosting refers to hiring a high elo player to play ranked duo with you, securing numerous wins, and rapidly advancing your rank.

Our handpicked duo boosters represent the top 1% of the ranked ladder and they’re astronomically more skilled than the average ranked player you encounter.

The benefits go beyond just winning matches though as you’ll have the opportunity to learn from the best players in the world!

As there’s no risky business involved, duo boosting is 100% risk-free and it will undoubtedly improve your rank and skill level swiftly.

Practice crosshair placement

One of the best ways to increase your performance and boost your rank is by practicing your aim which will increase your lethality.

Your main objective when practicing crosshair placement is to keep it at head level as it will allow you to land headshots more consistently. This is essential when it comes to combat in Valorant as headshots deal significantly more damage than body shots, making them the quickest method of eliminating opponents.

It’s also important to learn how to anticipate the movements of your opponents which allows you to swiftly adjust your aim with minimal movement. Your reaction time and reflexes play a large role here and you’re simply going to improve in this department over time.

Additionally, effective crosshair placement allows you to have faster target acquisition as you’re able to react better to your opponent’s movements. Unlocking this skill will allow you to outplay your opponents, make some memorable multikills, and win more matches.

Analyze the team comps

Analyzing the team comps is an essential aspect of strategy that allows you to make informed decisions rather than fight mindlessly.

For starters, knowing which agents are on the enemy team allows you to anticipate their abilities and movements and play accordingly.

Depending on the agents that are picked, the strategies of both the attacking and the defending side may drastically change and alter their win conditions.

Different agent selections can also alter your weapon selection as you can counterplay agents with certain weapon choices such as countering short-range abilities with a long-range weapon.

On the other hand, understanding your teammates’ agents well allows you to synergize better and coordinate your plays accordingly. Based on your team comp, you can plan strategies that capitalize on your agents’ strengths which allows you to control the map better.

Ultimately, thinking before fighting will increase your chances of success and allow you to enter the game level-headed.

Analyze your replays

One of the best ways to improve your long-term skills is to conduct regular reviews and analysis of the games you’ve played. This method involves re-watching your gameplay footage to identify mistakes and pinpoint areas for improvement.

Gameplay errors are the main thing to focus on as you review your death patterns, missed shots, and failed strategies. Analyzing these mistakes allows you to evaluate your decision-making during critical moments which require you to decide whether to engage in combat or retreat.

Furthermore, map awareness is a key area to improve in and watching replays will allow you to assess whether your positioning was advantageous or not in a given situation.

Higher level of map awareness also allows you to communicate and coordinate with your team better, which leads to more successful outcomes.

Apart from analyzing your mistakes, you should also take your time to focus on successful plays as well. By replicating successful strategies which had a winning formula, you increase your likelihood of victory.

Find the optimal settings

For beginners in Valorant, especially people who are playing FPS games for the first time, finding the perfect sensitivity and optimal settings can be challenging. Instead of jumping into ranked, you should first find the perfect settings that will help you play well consistently.

When it comes to sensitivity, there is no right or wrong answer as both senses are good in the right hands and it comes down to personal preference. However, understanding the difference between high and low sens is essential if you want to determine which settings fit you.

High sensitivity works better for flicky players who value speed over precision when it comes to their aim. On the other hand, low sens is better in the hands of a slow aimer who prefers to hit consistent headshots.

Finding the perfect crosshair setting is also an important aspect of setting adjustment and it also depends on your preference. However, it’s worth noting that the majority of the professional scene uses very small crosshairs that enhance your first bullet accuracy.

Adjusting your graphic settings according to the quality of your hardware is extremely important as you don’t want your game to lag for no reason. For this reason, most pro players set their graphic settings to low.

Manage your tilt

Tilt management is crucial to preventing loss streaks which are the nemesis of rapid rank progression.

The #1 rule when it comes to combating tilt is to avoid playing the game at that moment altogether. If you feel agitated because of the result of the previous game, don’t queue up for another one right after as you’re going to play much worse than you would otherwise.

Instead of playing another ranked game after a tough loss, you should do other activities and this simple trick will save you a lot of RR that you would lose by playing ranked on autopilot.

If you’re itching to play when you’re tilted and you want to keep playing ranked, at least take a 5-10-minute break to help you cool down and refresh your mind.

Small activities such as stretching or grabbing a glass of water in the kitchen will help you prepare for your next ranked game with a fresh mentality.

Focus on ultimate orbs

Players often dismiss the importance of ultimate orbs, especially in low elo ranked. Understanding the importance of these orbs is key to victory as they allow you to use your ultimate ability several times per round.

If you’re unfamiliar with what they do, ultimate orbs charge your ultimate ability by giving a boost to your UP and their position encourages team rotations around the map. They are located at specific locations on the map which makes them a desirable point of contention between teams.

Ultimate orbs should be heavily prioritized if you’re playing an Agent with a very impactful ultimate ability such as Raze or Killjoy as you can completely change the course of the game with your ulti.

Play duo with top fraggers

Playing duo with top fraggers is often followed by instant success since you’re playing with someone who can share the burden of carrying. Consistency is the key if you want to rank up fast and consistently playing with well-performing teammates will increase your likelihood of winning.

If you play with a skilled duo repeatedly, you will synergize better over time as you coordinate your strategy and your agent picks. On top of that, playing with these players allows you to learn from them and get immediate feedback on your gameplay which can elevate your performance.

While many players hesitate to add top fraggers in their elo, reaching out to skilled players by sending friend requests is very good practice. This will lead you to more connections with good players as a result, building a network of skilled duos you can play ranked with.